Diversity Secrets

Building a Global Diversity & Inclusion Strategy From the Ground Up - with Putri Realita Global Head of D&I @Danone

Louise Moulié Season 1 Episode 1

#001 In our first episode we’re very excited to welcome Putri Realita, Global Head of Diversity and Inclusion at Danone, a a multinational food-products corporation based in Paris.
Putri took on this role in 2016 to build the firm’s DEI programs from the ground up. She tells us how her personal identity as an Indonesian citizen, and her background in operations and corporate affairs, have shaped her vision for Danone’s DEI strategy. Putri shares with us how she and her teams initiated and spearheaded the global #ActInclusive movement across all functions and regions in the company. We discuss how to build shared accountability and ownership for all employees to commit to building an inclusive company. Beyond building an inclusive workplace and brands at Danone, Putri makes a point of making sure that Danone’s DEI programs have an impact within the communities they serve and work with, by partnering with key actors in the field. Finally, Putri tells us what are the most rewarding parts of the job, as well as the most challenging.

Tune in today, and subscribe to not miss our next episode next week!

Do not hesitate to follow Putri Realita on LinkedIn to continue following her journey as a DEI leader.
To learn more about Danone DEI programs, please visit: https://www.danone.com/impact/people-communities.html#INCLUSIVE

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[00:00:00] Louise: You're listening to diversity secrets, the podcast that explores the secrets behind leading authentic, impactful, and successful diversity equity and inclusion in business. In season one, we're on the job. We focus on the DEI practitioners themselves because behind every impactful DEI program lies a team of people. We'll explore the personal journey that led them to the work they do today, their accomplishments and challenges, as well as the lessons and advice they've uncovered. I'm your host Louise Moulié, and now to today's episode.

[00:00:38] Hello everyone, and welcome to Diversity Secrets Podcast. Today, we're very excited to be welcoming Putri Realita. Putri leads global diversity and inclusion at Danone. Since she started this role at the Paris headquarters in 2016, she has initiated diversity and inclusion at the global level across over 55 countries by creating the [00:01:00] bottom-up #ActInclusive Movement with over 400 champions representing different functions and regions across the world. She has also turned a local He For She initiative into a global partnership with a tangible commitment on global parental leave implementation. Before joining Danone headquarters, Putri was head of regulatory and corporate affairs for Danone early life nutrition business.
In Indonesia, prior to joining Danone, she worked for British American Tobacco in the Indonesian and Malaysian markets, holding various roles in Operations, Communication, or Corporate Social Responsibility. Throughout her career, Putri has always had a passion for promoting collaboration and partnerships mainly to build diverse workplaces and inclusive cultures.

So, Putri, welcome to our podcast. And thank you so much for being here today. 

[00:01:53] Putri: Thank you, Louise for inviting me. Happy to be here. 

[00:01:56] Louise: Thank you. So this first season of the podcast is really [00:02:00] about the people behind diversity and inclusion, and it's really about touching on who they are and what they do on their day to day job. And because, at the end of the day, um, behind a successful diversity and inclusion policy is a person, their story and their journey. So the first thing I want to do here is kind of ask you what your story is. And we'll start by one thing that plays a crucial role in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is identity and how people perceive themselves, how others may perceive them and how that affects their journey. 

[00:02:40] So Putri, how would you define your identity and how has it shaped maybe your worldview and your journey so far? 

[00:02:49] Putri: Yes. Thank you so much for this question. So first of all, thank you for having this podcast. Indeed, the topic of DEI is [00:03:00] now being talked about more and more globally in different parts of the world. And so I think I, I appreciate the recognition, uh, to be given to the people behind, behind the scenes who is who's really driving the topic and in many different sectors. So my story is that. So I am, um, I'm I'm Indonesian. So I was born and raised, uh, in Indonesia. So probably it's, uh, it's not probably, uh, a background of, um, many other D&I professionals.

[00:03:33] And I also, my background is also not coming from HR. So I, I don't, I don't have an HR background before I jumped into this role. And, um, and I think this, this background of not having a previous knowledge on D&I and, um, and also being in the country, uh, in Indonesia where, uh, DEI is not really like a topic of everyday conversations. Um, it's not like in the U S or in the UK. Um, so I, I think that I come to this role in having a very fresh mind about what the topic and, and when I, when I first, uh, Uh, when I first hold this role five years ago, I did a lot of benchmarking and I met a lot of people who were behind in these roles that there was already there and there was already experts in, in this areas.

[00:04:28] And, um, and I, and I really have this, um, uh, built this, this roadmap for Danone and I it's like, um, I'm running it for myself and I'm bringing Danone on a learning journey together with me. So, uh, we are like, uh, on a, on a learning journey of, of DEI. So, um, so I think that, um, and my background in corporate affairs helped me, uh, in terms of how to shape the strategy, because I think it's so important for this role [00:05:00] to be able to connect the dots, uh, because connecting the dots is so crucial because DEI needs to be connected in different parts of the businesses. Uh, and especially it needs to connect the people as well. Um, and also it needs to connect with the real mission of the company. And, uh, and what is it for, for, for Danone to, to, to drive this topic?

[00:05:23] What is it for the business? What is for the people? Um, and I, I also, because I, I come from. From from, from Indonesia. And I, I mean, in, in Indonesian language, inclusive leadership, uh, there is no such translations, you know, it's like, uh, what does it mean? What does it mean to, um, to be inclusive leader? So I also found out that there is no translation of this word in many different languages, like Chinese Japanese, for example. And so what I try to do at the beginning is really to describe it, uh, so people can understand [00:06:00] it. So it's not like, um, um, pushing the, the, the, the, the understanding that we have, uh, in the UK, on, in the U S but trying to see it in a, in a different perspective where people never heard about this word even before, uh, if you talk to an operator, a machine in the factory in Indonesia, they will have no clue about what is diversity inclusion. So, um, so based on that, I think, um, at the beginning of the journey, I, I try to, to kind of build, uh, very simple explanations about what it means in terms of behaviors.

[00:06:40] So, uh, for example, then, uh, I developed with the, with the champions back then, uh, 10 to 12 scenarios where people can understand it, for example, like, um, in meetings or when people do recruitment or, um, when people talk to each other in the canteen, uh, [00:07:00] what does it mean to be inclusive? Uh, for example, there's a newcomer in a team, and we always have to listen to their different ideas, instead of telling them that, okay, you don't understand anything, this is, this is Danone and you are new, you have to follow us. But you need to let them bring their ideas, uh, the different perspective to the table. Um, so those kinds of things that, uh, that I built, uh, based on, I think, based on my backgrounds. So to, to make sure that people, everybody, can connect with, uh, with what D&I means 

[00:07:37] Louise: Wow, you, you just touched upon so many things that I wanted to talk about and we're going to come back to each of them. Um, I think, um, underlining yeah, how D&I actually means different things in different cultures, that's important. And it's always important to understand for companies and for the people leading diversity and inclusion that it is a lifelong learning journey. [00:08:00] And because in diversity and inclusion, when we're among ourselves, people, professionals that know what we're talking about, we kind of forget that others might not know what we're saying exactly and what it actually means for the culture, for the behaviors.

[00:08:15] And it's not about simplifying or anything because at the end of the day, it's it's social justice that everyone can comprehend, but. It's, it's just, you need to find the way to formulate it correctly so that everyone can grasp it and understand what it means for them as well. So that's, yeah, that's really, really important.

[00:08:36] And we're going to actually dive right into to what your job is. Cause you, you, you touched upon so many things and I think our listeners, um, listening right now might be like, oh wow, this is very broad. So maybe in one sentence, What do you do? Cause you, you just mentioned HR, you mentioned operators, you mentioned so many to [00:09:00] stakeholders.

[00:09:00] So in what, one sentence, what is your job? What do you do? 

[00:09:05] Putri: Yeah, so I think that, um, I try to make it to make it easy to comprehend. So basically the DEI leaders, uh, role is to help companies or institutions to create an equitable, inclusive and collaborative culture with what people have employees or our people have high sense of belonging to the team, but also to the company. Because I I'm highlighting teams here because, uh, DEI, when it, when it, there are different layers of, um, implementations of DEI. So it's like a corporate one, when you, build policies, you can build, uh, targets, criteria, etc. But the day to day experience of DEI happens [00:10:00] in teams. So, uh, so therefore, uh, our role is really to, uh, how to create this equitable, inclusive and collaborative culture inside the company. Um, into the team's level.

[00:10:14] So I'm not only at the corporate level, but into the teams and individuals levels. Um, so, and then of course the, the role that doesn't stop there because, uh, as companies or institutions, we are not only interacting with our employees, but also with our consumers and communities and the, I, uh, it's not only inside the company, but also impacting consumers and community and how we can create an inclusive growth across the supply chain of the company. So basically that's not, that's not one sentence actually. 

[00:10:52] Louise: Yeah, a bit more, but it takes more than one sentence, I think, to describe it because it's just, I mean, there's this [00:11:00] misconception, um, in the general public that DEI is um, HR basically, and it's HR's role and they take care of it. And actually, um, in many companies, I don't know how it is at Danone, and, and you're going to tell us, D&I is a separate department from HR. Maybe reports directly to executives and works obviously very closely with HR, but, as you said, you need to be speaking to the ground operators. You also need to be speaking to marketing who are addressing your consumers, if you're, if you're in a B2C to company, for instance, right? 

[00:11:37] So you, in your day to day job, who are your main, um, who are the main people you talk to? Um, to move your programs forward, maybe, um, if we can take the example of when you initiated and implemented the #ActInclusive Movement, who were the first people you had to convince here to get that on the road?

[00:11:59] Putri: Yeah. [00:12:00] So I guess, uh, the I, people with the rules in India, the. Uh, we need to collaborate and we need to work with everyone, just everyone in the company. I mean, structurally it can be under HR. Um, but working wise, we have to work with everyone. So there are many companies who, most companies, they are, they are putting the I under HR and including Danone. Danone as well it's under HR. Uh, but in reality, I created uh, a separate, uh, council, separate body inside the company, which reports to the executive committee. So an executive committee that is not HR. So I chose, uh, people who, who are in charge of COO, the chief operating officer, and also the chief growth officer, which is, uh, people who is in charge of brands, uh, and, um, how we drive our growth in the, [00:13:00] uh, with the consumers. So, um, so I think that, for example, the act inclusive movement, it's, it's, it's basically, uh, after getting sponsorship from the executive committee. So we definitely, we definitely, so I worked, I worked directly with, with this executive committee to create these invitations for people. Because we know that this bottom up movement can really make this D&I movement authentic because it comes from the employees themselves. 

[00:13:31] Louise: So, um, sorry, bottom-up, but with the sponsorship of the executive level. 

[00:13:37] Putri: Exactly, exactly. So it has to be a combination of top-down and bottom-up so, uh, so this, therefore we, we, we, we, we. With invitations for people to, okay, if you are passionate about this topic, please join us in this #ActInclusive movement. Um, and we explain what does it mean for them to join this movement. Um, and of [00:14:00] course there's a big amount of work behind to make sure that all the HR on the ground, they are onboarded. FOr example, Um, not only in one country, but all of the countries. So talk to the local HRDs to make sure that they are aware of this and they are onboarded in how to make sure that the champions are are being, um, recognized as well. Um, so, and then after that, of course the, the, the, the local leadership teams, uh, so the, the GM's, the CEO's at the local level, uh, they are also the one who, who, who, who is owning the, the accountability of DEI at the, at the local level. Um, so those are the people that, that, that, that basically I have to convince at the beginning.

[00:14:49] Um, and then after that, it's, it's also not only um, global and local, but also, uh, functions because, um, different job [00:15:00] functions have different kind of priorities or different kinds of how we drive DEI. So for example, in IT, in operations, uh, we have, most of our employees are in the factories because we are a manufacturing based company. So, um, and, and, and how can we make sure that the, uh, is relevant for like, like I said, people on the ground, in the, in the, in the operator as an operator of the machine. Um, so also the, this functional each function has a functional board, um, and therefore the functional board, uh, I also work with them to, to create their own, uh, roadmap and targets that are relevant for their functions. Um, and so champions are being appointed at their heads. Uh, they are formally appointed to, to drive the, the change, uh, at the local level, but also at the functional level. tSo that's, that's, that's how [00:16:00] wide it is. Um, also including marketing. Uh, so marketing is, is another piece of work, uh, because then we have to make sure that, um, the marketeers are also on board in terms of how they communicate to the consumers, um, and how they use the brands to to fight, um, and, uh, stereotypes, for example, in, in the society. So for example, we have the He For She that we extended, uh, after this global parental policy public commitment, uh, that we have with UN Women. We also materialize this partnership at the local level in Mexico where, uh, our local brands is called

[00:16:43] Bonafonte. Bonafonte is a waters, uh, brand, uh, in, in Mexico. And they have been fighting for women, uh, gender equality, women empowerment, and therefore we marry this, uh, this partnership, uh, D&I with [00:17:00] UN women and the local brands. So the local brands with the UN women, we partner together to create a, really a campaign to fight stereotypes amongst woman and girls, for example.

[00:17:14] And we also create a real project on the ground with the UN Woman to help, um, women after the earthquake in 2017, uh, to help them build their entrepreneurial skills, for example. So those are the example how, how, what we can do, uh, with the power of our brands on the ground. 

[00:17:34] Louise: And that goes to show as well um, and you were actually saying it at the beginning that you work with everyone within the company, but then there's also the partnerships and collaboration outside of the company who, so He for She, so Danone is part of He for She, so you guys work with UN Women a lot. Who are your other main partners, in France and in all the countries you, you work on [00:18:00] right now for, for your project? 

[00:18:02] Putri: Yeah, we have, uh, we also, because, um, we basically have identified partnership based on our roadmaps. So, um, inside the roadmap, we also want to, for example, uh, on pay equity. So we think pay equity is, is also one of the key topics that we were going to, uh, the Bush and we are now, um, in, in, uh, uh, part of EPIC, so it's, uh, Equal Pay International Coalitions also together with UN women. And, uh, we are also, uh, Uh, just partnering with we connect. So we connect is a platform, uh, which engage with women-owned businesses. So in terms of our, I work with our procurement team in Danone, so how we can, uh, start building a inclusive supplier diversity program. Uh, which [00:19:00] means that our spendings would be, um, there are several amounts of our spendings to, to be allocated for minorities. So we start with woman, woman owned businesses. So that's why we collaborate with we connect for example. So we just announced the partnership, uh, just like few weeks ago. Um, and we also just announced our membership with, uh, business disability forum. So this is also a partnership also global partnership that we have, uh, to push the agenda of visibility.

[00:19:31] Uh, And, um, we, we actually just, uh, also we'll join very soon um, so starting January, uh, End Stereotypes Alliance. So this is the brand part, also together with UN women. So this is basically marketeers, uh, with, from different companies to work on our advertising, um, to, to fight the stereotypes of, uh, what we have in our advertising.

[00:19:59] So, [00:20:00] so those are the examples. There are also many partnerships at the local level, like in the US we partners, uh, with, um, um, black association to recruit more black graduates, uh, from different schools in the U S for example. So, and also in Ukraine, we have partnership with, uh, with the first lady, uh, Uh, initiating this business without barriers, for example.

[00:20:26] So partnership is something that is part of our triangle approach, uh, sort of which, which I encourage, um, our local teams also to, to, to adopt. So it's, uh, it's the people, brands and partners. So how DEI is being translated, it needs to be, uh, implemented in a way where our people feel included, our brands, uh, will, will bring, um, um, unstereotyped advertising and our partners together with our [00:21:00] partners, that partnership with inclusive suppliers, for example, we create impact and on the inside Danone, but also outside Danone.

[00:21:06] Louise: That's a great way to, to put it. And, and, and it kind of shows the business case also for it and, and why you're doing it. And it's actually quite reassuring, I think for, to hear this, if some of our listeners are in maybe smaller companies where they don't really know where to get started, it's quite reassuring to know that you're not alone doing this. You can do it with partners. Um, and there's many resources out there that can help you. So that's, that's a good sign. You, you mentioned the word champion, um, a couple of times. Uh, and, uh, so what is a champion? Can anyone be a champion at Danone? 

[00:21:48] Putri: Yeah. So champions are those people who are first, they have to be passionate about DEI and second, they need to allocate some of their time [00:22:00] to work on a topic, uh, approved by their line managers, because it needs to be embedded as part of their performance objective as well.

[00:22:09] Louise: That's the incentive as well. 

[00:22:10] Putri: Exactly, exactly. And, and they, they will work with, uh, either they can be a local champions or functional champions. So, like I said before, there's a local approach and also functional approach. And so with the local approach, for example, if you are finance in Mexico, so you will be part of a functional champions community within finance, um, to, to, to identify, okay, what is the roadmap for finance? Uh, what is the roadmap for finance and then they, he, he, or she will be also part of Mexico team, uh, to, to drive further the roadmap for Mexico. For example, in Mexico, maybe focused on gender, um, and then he, [00:23:00] or she will be part of, of this, uh, local roadmaps and how to push it, uh, for there in Mexico. And in finance, for example, uh, okay let's, let's talk about, maybe you find out that the focus is also gender, so how to, how to build. And also the difference there's a different functions within finance that they think, um, it, it's not very inclusive at the moment. So how they break the silos, um, between the different functions, uh, in within finance. So there are specific topics that are, that can be addressed together, uh, within the champions, uh, in this, in those specific functions.

[00:23:36] Louise: So it's really about bringing accountability to, to, to all in the, firm, and, and also adapting, um, the strategy to the different functions and different regions, because you can't have one global big strategy that applies to all unanimously. I mean, you have to have your global red line and, and an orientation, but [00:24:00] then, um, there's different functions and that encounter different issues and, and different problems. And it's just a great way to also make diversity and inclusion fit into the business strategy of the company as well. If everybody's accountable for it. Right? 

[00:24:14] Putri: Exactly. And I like that you mentioned accountability because I think accountability is so important. And I think that DEI leaders need to give this accountability, uh, to this leaders. Because sometimes, sometimes there is a, there is a notion that, okay, the DEI leaders are the one who will do everything. So, uh, it's a, I mean, we need to be able to say "okay, we cannot do this alone and we need to like share this accountability with, with everyone. And it's gonna, it's going to happen. DEI will happen. For me, everybody needs to be the leaders at the end. [00:25:00] Uh, maybe this is something quite provocative, but, for me, DEI leaders, the role of DEI, uh, leaders maybe should disappear in a way that when we are able to give this accountability for everyone, then, you know, it's, uh, it's done. 

[00:25:19] Louise: Yeah, because it's everyone's problem. And then, and everyone's part of the solution as well. Yeah.

[00:25:23] Putri: Exactly.

[00:25:24] Louise: For sure. For sure. What, what would you say is your favorite part of your job? Um, even if your job were to disappear, what would be the part that you would miss the most?

[00:25:35] Putri: My favorite part of the job is really to, uh, partner with everyone. So. I really like to, um, share the vision and then, uh, influence others to join this mission together. And then together, we, we, we, we make change. We drive change. I think this is the best [00:26:00] thing in the job if I really like, uh, and you can see the results.

[00:26:03] And I mean, even though it's not like marketing, when you see results. Okay, the numbers. Or as the, the, the, the impact is more than intangible. So it's like, um, you can see the numbers, but it's not immediate. So for example, you, I have numbers like, uh, gender balance or ethnicity balance, or inclusion, inclusive behaviors, uh, from our people survey, for example.

[00:26:32] So those are the numbers that we track, but the more impact that you can really feel is the intangible one. When you talk to people when people tell you, "well, thank you for doing this important work, uh, now I am", you know, for example, the LGBTQ community, "now I am feeling that I can be myself, I don't have to hide myself anymore". So this kind of intangible impact that you create for [00:27:00] people, and especially if you create impact in the community, when you see this project in Mexico, really like helping women on the ground to stand up. I mean, to go back to their feet after some disaster, that natural disaster, it's really giving you a different kind of feelings. 

[00:27:18] Louise: So this is the, the, the, the best part of the job, the most rewarding one. Yeah, for sure. 

[00:27:24] Putri: Exactly. 

[00:27:25] Louise: And what's the most challenging part of it? 

[00:27:29] Putri: I think the most challenging, because in reality, this, the I, um, is a challenge in society. So it's not only in companies, but it is a society problems. People are just being shaped by their, the way they were brought up and the way the society's working. So I think that the biggest challenge is that there are people out there who are just not believing [00:28:00] in it. They just don't believe in it. Or we just don't think that it's relevant for them. Uh, who just thinks that you are, we are wasting our time.

[00:28:10] For example. Uh, but I mean, in general, people are, are good. People are accepting this, but there is this notion of being part of the society and the society is not thinking like we, we want them to think. And, um, and it's, it's, it's, it's, it's challenging. Uh, and sometimes that you, you will see the impact. You, you will. Not see an immediate impact. Um, it takes time. Uh it's because it's a journey and, and the journey, and the problem is the journey is, is, is, uh, in, in every individual is different. So we need to be able to also be inclusive in knowing and being, um, accepting, uh, to accept that [00:29:00] you have individuals in their own journey.

[00:29:02] So when I give training, for example, there are this, um, um, there are different, different, different ways of people, how they, how they translate these training programs. Like for example, the unconscious bias. Uh, it's very interesting. Yes. That actually, the DEI leaders are helping individual journeys as well and how they actually, um, uh, play a role in the communities. And, and this is, this is a huge contributions to the society and, and I think it is challenging. But it's very like, like you said before, it's very rewarding. Yeah. 

[00:29:41] Louise: It's about respecting the fact that we're not all at the same level in our journey and that there's some people that have more to deconstruct than others, whether they are part of a majority community or whether they are also part of a minority community, because some people in the minority communities might not also be aware [00:30:00] of a certain discriminations that they face, or they may have internalized also some of them.

[00:30:04] So. Yeah, for sure. It's it's patience is key. And what, with that in mind, um, what do you wish that you had known when you started five years ago? And that might be a little piece of advice that you would give to someone starting in diversity and inclusion today? 

[00:30:28] Putri: Um, I think what I wish I would have known is that the fact that, um. Because, if you're a very result-oriented person like me. So I'm, uh, well, uh, I, I'm a very result oriented person. So if you, I used to work in communications and in, uh, public affairs. When you, when you, when you negotiate with, with governments, for example, on [00:31:00] some laws, you, you can see, um, it's, it's, it's it's you can see immediately the results. So for example, communications it's it's how much, how many people, you know, come to your events and how many coverage media coverage that you have.But, uh, it's, it's, it's not that it's not like that in this, in this work. Um, so I think I, I, I wish that I would have had this, had this warning before, and I think that the resilience part is so key because you have, you just need to keep pushing because I think.

[00:31:36] I think if you, if you stop pushing, uh, there's a risk that it's going to go back to what it was before. Um, and I think sometimes that this, this level of resilience. It's really consumed energy and, and, and it's because sometimes if you, for me, it's, it's, it's a personal mission [00:32:00] as well. Uh, because of my personal experience, I'm always feeling like a minority. I experienced non-inclusive behaviors when I was at school. Uh, so sometimes that, uh, you know, personally, you are consumed with this mission of yours to, to, to create this more inclusive world. But it takes time. So, um, yeah, so I think this is one of the things that you should, you should know; that if, if, if they told me before I would, uh, more, have more preparation, mentally prepared. 

[00:32:36] Louise: I mean, it's not an easy job because as you say, for a lot of diversity and equity and inclusion leaders, it's about fighting the discrimination that they've lived themselves. And it involves a lot of personal commitment and personal implication. And you know, when you're, I don't know when you, when you work in, if you're an accountant at the end of the day, well, [00:33:00] the results are important, but you can tell yourself it's just numbers kind of thing. And then when you're working in diversity and inclusion, at the end of the day, you can come home and feel completely destroyed because you saw something or heard a story that really resonated with you and your personal experience, and it can, it can be difficult. 

[00:33:20] Um, Yeah, this is maybe part of, part of the job is also about being honest, because you said it multiple times. It's a learning journey. And it's about being honest with yourself, the company and others. So, what was the biggest lesson you learned maybe from a potential mistake that was on the road? Cause usually mistakes are what we learn from the best actually. And so is there any regret that you have along the road and that you wished that you would've done differently, but that brought you where you are today as well and shaped your [00:34:00] journey? 

[00:34:02] Putri: Um, I think that, uh, There was one thing that I always remembered as a mistake, uh, so at the beginning on creating accountability. So at the beginning of the journey, um, I thought that by just putting KPIs, uh, the same KPIs, uh, to all the senior leaders would solve it. Um, so at the time we were like, uh, putting, okay, we need to achieve 30%, um, women in whatever level, for example. Uh, but it's the same for everybody. Um, and I found out that because I, I spoke to, to all the senior leaders and they all said "Oh, Putri, you are the one who helped me to get, get my bonus!". So it's like, they, it doesn't [00:35:00] create accountability. It creates, I don't know. It, it like, um, it's like just an additional points on their, on their KPIs.

[00:35:09] So they need to feel that they own the topic and it takes time. Um, it's not like one, like, uh, you, you just join this work and then the next day you put these KPIs and then it's done. It's not, it's not like that because they will not feel that they own it. And I think I took, it took process for me to, to make, to make them realize that "hey, you own this, it's yours". It's uh, uh, but they need to feel it. They need to, uh, "okay, let me stand up and, okay, this is my responsibility and I will be one who, who, who is in charge of this". Um, and yeah, so I think that that takes time and, uh, and it, it takes emotional journey as well for them. So you need to make the topic not only about numbers.

[00:35:56] I mean, numbers is so important of course. Uh, but my [00:36:00] experience is that when you touch their personal, um, stories or personal reasons, personal beings, then it will stick lot more than, than just the numbers. So I think that's, it's challenging, but, uh, uh, that's why talking to as many people are listening to them, what is it that's important for them, so this listening sessions with the leaders is so important that you really understand how to navigate and how to make it better and making it a personal business is also what will take it from what you were saying: a nice to have to a must have in, in their mentality.

[00:36:42] Louise: Right. And like it's no longer just a bonus. It's actually my responsibility as a, as someone working in business and shaping our society today to actually implement this. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So speaking of, of our society, um, [00:37:00] I think that we're at a very exciting time today to be working in diversity, equity and inclusion. Um, the other day someone told me if not now, when kind of thing, if, if we're working on diversity, equity and inclusion, it's the time to, to move things forward just because there's this sense of urgency. And it was about time that people realized that there was this, uh, urgency here. Um, but beyond this rise of awareness beyond the fact that companies are recruiting a lot more and diversity and inclusion that, um, companies are maybe sometimes changing even their mission statement or their strategies in the light of diversity and inclusion. What do you see as the future of inclusion? What does the moment call for right now, according to you? 

[00:37:50] Putri: Um, I think that it is a challenge in a society. Um, [00:38:00] so the future of D&I has to impact, uh, the whole society. So not only inside the company, but the whole society. So, um, it has to be a combination of the employees, the one that I mentioned before, it's people, brands and partners, and it cannot be just HR. It has to be much bigger than that 'cause it's it's the dots are connected. Because if you don't connect the dots, it's, uh, it's just not happening, uh, in the, in the automatic way. Uh, because we need to think about the fact where, uh, to imagine the vision where, uh, where everybody is a DEI leader, right? So like I mentioned before, so there is no need to have one. DEI leaders who push, uh, this topic around it's this, everybody will [00:39:00] push it because they, they feel like they are part of the society, they feel like they are, they are part of, um, the company and they have the power. Um, and, and it's important that people think that they are also leaders because sometimes they feel "I'm not the leader, leaders are my boss", you know? Like leaders are our bosses who, who have, um, executive or director manager, titles, uh. But in this, this topic, everyone is a leader. Everyone can contribute with their own personal behaviors and that not only in the company, but in the family, in their family, how they, how they see their children grow up, for example. That's, that's really, uh, really the, the future society, because if we just cope ourself, um, within the company and the employees, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's a very limited impact. So I [00:40:00] think this work can really, uh, create an impact. Um, what do you call this? A Quadruple impact uh, uh, within the society. 

[00:40:08] Louise: So exponantial impact, kind of. 

[00:40:10] Putri: Exponential, exactly. That's the word. I think the future is there. 

[00:40:14] Louise: Wow. And yeah, having this holistic approach to it, basically that it's not just about your company, it's about society. So to conclude this podcast, what would be your call to action for D&I professionals right now and then? 

[00:40:31] Putri: Um, my call to action is going to be to stay true to what we are doing. And we have a very important work and the impact of our work is beyond our employees. It's also to consumers, to the community, to the society. And most, most importantly, our work will impact, um, someone's life. [00:41:00] Uh, And maybe the future of, of the, of the next generations as well.

[00:41:06] So I think that let's just stay true to what we want to do and why is it important for us and why is it important to the society and stick together, because we are learning from each other. And, um, and the beauty of this topic is that there's no competition, right? It's different to marketeers when they compete with, uh, you know, what they do in the companies, but here we can learn from each other so we can copy and paste what other companies are doing. So, just stay together and share best practices. Uh, And, and maybe build partnerships together, so to create the bigger impact. So I think that's, that's my, my call to action. 

[00:41:56] Louise: Great. Well, this is what we're trying to do here at, uh, diversity [00:42:00] secrets, really sharing these little insights and, and practical advice and experiences because sharing is caring and thank you so much Putri for this very enlightening and thought provoking conversation. It was really a pleasure to be your host today, and I hope you had as much fun as, uh, as I did. And I'll put your name down in the podcast notes so that our listeners can follow you on, uh, on LinkedIn and to kind of continue following your, your journey and what you're doing at Danone.

[00:42:35] Very impressive. What you've built in the past five years. Congratulations. 

[00:42:40] Putri: Yeah. And don't hesitate to contact me. I also, um, mentor, you know, like, uh, newcomers in the field. Um, so it, it, it just makes me realize how, how, how I can share more about, uh, you know, the, the, the little, little [00:43:00] bitty things, uh, that, that, that people can, can do when they start their journey as well.

[00:43:05] Louise: Great. Thank you so much Putri. 

[00:43:07] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Louise.

[00:43:13] Thanks for listening to Diversity Secrets Podcast. Make sure to subscribe and review. Your feedback helps us grow. Find the full name of today's guest in the episode notes to continue following their D&I journey on social media. We've also included important resources cited in today's episode and where to find them.

[00:43:32] Finally, if you'd like to get in touch, my email is in the show description. Until next time, do take care, and remember that only by joining the conversation, will you start driving the change.

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